The :link, :visited, and :active pseudo-classes let you set the style of A elements based on the current state of the links. In a selector, you use these pseudo-classes with the A element in the same way you would use class identifiers.
A:link { color: red } /* unvisited link */
A:visited { color: blue } /* visited links */
Unlike class identifiers, you do not use the pseudo-classes with the CLASS= attribute. Instead, the browser automatically interprets which pseudo-class to use based on the state of the link.
You can combine pseudo-classes with normal classes.
A.external:visited { color: blue }
If the URL specified by an A element having the external class (defined above) has been visited, it displays in blue. Note that normal class identifiers must precede the pseudo-class in the selector.
You can apply pseudo-classes to nested element names, just as with class identifiers.
A:link IMG { border: solid blue }
Using pseudo-classes on elements other than the A element has no effect.
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